Join Our Affiliate Program
What is affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing involves publishers (affiliate marketing) signing an affiliate marketing plan provided by retailers (advertisers) to promote and sell their products using a commission-based payment model. The publisher uses a unique link to promote the product or service, which sends traffic to the company website. If the potential customer purchases the product, the publisher will receive a certain percentage of the sales. It can be thought of as a way to expand the marketing team through third-party company recruiters who can only get paid after successful sales.
To participate in MUSTART affiliate marketing program, you’ll need to take these five simple steps:
- Find and join the Mustart network marketing plan
- Choose the offers to promote
- Get a unique affiliate link for each offer
- Share these links on your blog, social media platform or website
- Collect commission whenever someone uses your link to make a purchase
You will get about 5% of sales and customers who use your link to buy products can get a 3% discount